There was a prophetic word when I joined Telford Minster that I would spread GOLD. This has become a literal outpouring of gold into the Minster church space. Telford is a concrete place, often known for bad things in the media including being branded 'the most Godless town in Britain' by the media. As we've joined in with prayers spanning decades we are seeing more and more good coming from Telford. The gold in the space is a prophetic map, breaking the dividing lines between communities and filling the cracks with a woven thread of Gold. 
Street Ashing
A practice for hundreds of years and it still draws a crowd. A reminder that we are but dust and helping passers by consider where they place their hope. 
Enquiry Space
A space of enquiry housing a series of socially engaged exhibitions around a community beginning with a 'kindness experiment'. 
Where is Art Education Today? 
A newspaper created to question the purpose and future of Art Education handed out at Byam Shaw College of Art, Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design, 2009. 
What are we learning?
A series of drawings and collages created in response to box ticking and marking art.
A rose tinted world of hope, messages of kindness and collaborative artwork with a group of students. 
We thought about how we often look through the world through rose tinted spectacles, questions we had included: ‘are we taught to look through rose tinted glasses in our everyday experience within the institution ofschool?’ ‘Are we sheltered from the ‘real’ in fear of exposing the truth?’ One student was struck by the war inSyria particularly and how we were hearing so little on the news about what was happening and we were doing so little to help. So we each put on some rose tinted glasses one day as an act of questioning this. 
Re-imagining Art Education today
A manifesto. 
Why make art?

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